Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Paying out the nose for fuel

Gas prices. Who isn't discussing them lately? I've seen gas go from $2.90 to over $3 in under a week. This is insane! I'm talking the cheap grade stuff, not the high end top octane fuel. When is enough going to be enough? Either find a safe way to drill the Gulf, a safe way to get at the Alaskan oil, or figure out some way for Texas to pony up some more. You can't tell me we don't have a stash somewhere, and we need to hit it up and soon.

I know I'm not the only one with a commute to consider, and I'm not about to lose my job due to gas prices. Between me and my husband, we were spending roughly $1000 a month just on gas to get to work. Not counting gas for church or to go to the library or anywhere else. Our main expenses on gas are strictly related to work.

I know that there are serious environmental concerns when it comes to drilling the areas I mentioned, and the Gulf is still healing, but there simply has to be some way to reduce our dependence on Middle Eastern oil, or everytime someone in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, or Libya gets hemmorhoids, we're going to see our gas prices go up!

Thoughts, ideas, concerns are always welcome, either on here, or you can email me at

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