Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Pledge for a Real Leader

Saw this on an AOL article comment earlier, and I agree with it 100%. Wanted to repost it here and let others know that THIS is what I'm going to use as a basis for my campaign platform! This is what a real leader needs to be concerned with!

My pledge....­......

-I will not vote for any bill that includes the continuati­on of the wars in the middle east or invading other countries in that region, or the interference in any country that is not directly affecting U.S. concerns
-I am for the public option and will do my best to see that it comes about.
-I am against maintainin­g the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy, corporate tax loopholes, and corporate subsidies and will vote to end them.
-I am for the total reform and protection of all entitlemen­t programs.
-I am for real financial reform and consumer protection­.
-I am for a jobs bill funded by the federal government to repair and rebuild the US infrastruc­ture that would create millions of jobs.
-I will not agree to decrease investment in education.

This is the way to make America a better country for all. Thank you for your support!

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