This country is in a hell of a mess. Overspending by ego-inflated party politicians, not enough concentration on problems here at home, and more and more people out of work. It's ridiculous. The federal deficit is so high that every person in America would have to contribute over $100K EACH in order to pay it off, which we know won't happen.
Despite the current administration's campaign promises to "change" things, all that's happened is more spending and more troops and resources being sent overseas to help nations who don't send their resources to help our poor and needy. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for helping the unfortunate around the world, but at what point do we stop and say "wait a minute, we have plenty of problems here in the U.S. that need solving, let's focus on our own for a bit instead."
We can't continue to be the police force for the world, and walk into 3rd World countries like we own them and start blowing things up. Eventually it's going to come back to bite us in the ass. I recognize the need for a military force to defend our country, but we spend too much time messing around in other people's backyards to notice what's going on in ours.
We need to think realistic spending, realistic budget cuts, and reforming some current social problems to cut out this welfare mentality that way too many Americans have. Instead of "gimme, gimme, so I don't have to work," how about "work hard at whatever job you can find and take some pride in yourself and your country?"
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